General Introduction

Seven Sacraments Altarpiece (1450), by Rogier van der Weyden. This is the left panel of the triptych, representing (left to right) Baptism, Confirmation, and Confession.
- St. Justin Martyr on Christian Baptism
- Baptism: The Sacrament as Clear as Water
- Baptism: Symbol or Sacrament?
- Baptism: A Sacrament for All Christians
- Sacraments and “Works”: Where Protestants get it wrong
- St. Ambrose on the Baptism of Desire
- Is Baptism the Circumcision of Christ?
- Baptism in Depth
- Is Infant Baptism an Unscriptural Practice? Understanding Baptism
- The Baptist View of Baptism: Symbol or Sacrament?
- Does Baptism Regenerate? A Look at the Times It Didn’t
- Types for Baptism in the Old Testament
- Believe and Be Baptized
- Justified by Faith: Paul and Baptism
- Denying Original Sin
- Baptism in the Early Church: Proof of Extrascriptural Tradition
- John’s Baptism as Prophecy
- Baptism with the Holy Spirit or Fire?
- The Sacrament of Confirmation: Sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit
- The Sacrament of Confirmation in Scripture and the Church Fathers
- The Sacrament of Confirmation and Protestants: Profession of Faith or Pentecostal Fire?
The Eucharist

Seven Sacraments Altarpiece (1450), by Rogier van der Weyden. The center panel, showing the Eucharist, the source and summit of our faith.
- The Church Fathers on the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist
- The Body and Blood of Christ
- St. Justin Martyr on the Eucharist
- Eat my flesh and drink my blood: A crucial Gospel passage, the Catholic Eucharist, and bad Protestant commentary
- Why Catholics go to church
- The Eucharist: The Source and Summit of Our Faith
- When Church is Good
- Whatever Happened to the Eucharist? Why Don’t Evangelical Protestants Celebrate It?
The Church Fathers on the Sacraments
- The Church Fathers on the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist
- St. Justin Martyr on Christian Baptism
- St. Justin Martyr on the Eucharist
- St. Ignatius of Antioch, Witness of the Early Church, and Three Important Lessons He Can Teach Us
- St. Ambrose on the Baptism of Desire
- Baptism in the Early Church: Proof of Extrascriptural Tradition
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